When questioning whether it is the right time to file a claim, homeowners must weigh the advantages of getting paid for home repairs vs. the long-term impact the claim will have on future coverage. This is among the smartest question you can think about before making the right decsion.

It is also important to note that a homeowners’ insurance claim is designed to be used under the right circumstances in order to help you fight a significant loss and should not be used for regular home maintenance expenses.


Having damage to a property does not guarantee your insurance provider will cover repairs. You should always balance the short-term benefit of filing a claim against its long-term consequences.


When is it not ideal to file a homeowners’ insurance claim?

When the estimate is only slightly higher than deductible, If repairs or replacement costs are a bit higher than your deductible, it is better to pay for these costs yourself. Every time you file a claim it is reported, therefore it can increase premiums and, in some cases, when filed repeatedly, your insurance provider may reject the renewal of your policy.

When damage is minimal or includes regular maintenance costs. Homeowners’ insirance is designed to cover catastrophic and unexpected damage. Regular damage from wear and tear will likely be denied. “Failure to maintain” us commonly referred to as negligence.

When exlusions apply it is highly recommended to do your research and go over your policy. Do not file a claim if exclusions apply! On the other hand, if you have an endorsement for a specific coverage that is not under the standart policy, you should most definitely file a claim. But proceed with caution, as these endorsements can often lead to higher premiums. Some common types of home insurance endorsements include sewer backup, personal property replacement, and flood insurance.

Frequent claims Filing frequent claims within a short period of time can raise red flags. This can cause higher rates and a non-renewal policy from your insurance provider.


Filing an insurance claim is a step-by-step approach:

The first thing to do is contact your insurance provider immediately. Complete any required forms and proceed.

Document the damage and pull out your inventory. Take pictures, videos and save all revelant receips.

The next thing to do is to mitigate damage. Make temporary repairs that will prevent damage from spreading and getting worse.

An insurance adjuster will pay you a visit in order to ask you questions and go over regular procedure.

Get estimates from contractors on repairs, replacements, or rebuilding.

Filing an insurance claim requires expertise, strategic thinking and negotiation skills. Although it is not enfoced by law, public adjusters can help out to achieve a favorable outcome.

At Claim Partner, we count on the best team of public adjusters ready to serve! — Contact us directly at +1 305 686 5623


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